Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hats Off To Crochet!!!

Went a little bit on a hat hooking spree!!!! Lol but all of the adorable hats were so fun to make! Hope you are just as inspired as I was!

See something you like on Ca-ute Crafty, but you don't want to make it yourself?
Check out our Etsy shop or inbox me:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Holy Hooking Pattern, Batman!

Granted, its my first crochet pattern I've ever written but given my perfectionist personality I really wanted to make sure that this is nothing less than stellar!
Ive been hooking for the last 10 years or so (grandma turning in her grave) crocheting is the proper word, and Id like to say that I'm pretty well versed in my pattern reading skill (you always have youtube to fall back on) but when it came time to actually write...its not what you think...its more!
Materials, skill, instructions, notes, details, details, details. Pictures are a bonus and thats exactly what you want to have in your pattern to make it more desirable for pattern buyers to return! But then you have to actually make your project from start to finish to illustrate how its all pieced together along the way!!! Phew!!!

Now that its all said and done...and pdf'ed and uploaded to Etsy shop (Caute Crafty) I am totally stoked and feel quite accomplished I actually want to start my next pattern. Hmmm...Maybe I should wait for the hair I pulled out to grow back in!!!

If you're interested in the ever so chic Ca-ute Hugs pattern, you can visit our shop by clicking here.

Happy hooking!!!
(Love u nana!)

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Today has been one of those days as I sit here with my yarn all tangled in front of me ...i just feel myself aging by the minute. Luckily, these ca-ute quotables popped into my head and is helping me plow through this tangled web of errrrrrrrrrrrrr tangledness!!!!
Hope it helps you too!!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hugs Are Back!!!!

Yay!!!!  I'm so thrilled to report that the Hugs are back!  Those of you who don't know what I'm talking about...once upon a time I did really well with making/selling these wonderful cozy, unique, functional scarves/neck cozy but with moving and new baby....there was NO time lol.   Now..there is nap time!!! YAYAYAY!
So the inventory is starting with the new and improved (formerly Knitted) called Caute Hugs!!!   Love it!  Stay with us till the fall and don't forget to order yours and/or i have a pattern for my fellow hookers in the Etsy shop! Hook on!

See something you like on Ca-ute Crafty, but you don't want to make it yourself?
Check out our Etsy shop or inbox me:

Monday, March 11, 2013

My Ca-utest Chick!

My Brooklyn rockin' the caute chick hat! Great pattern with a few simple tweaks. 

See something you like on Ca-ute Crafty, but you don't want to make it yourself?
Check out our Etsy shop or inbox me:
See the Ca-ute Chick pic below for the pattern link.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ca-ute Bunny

Especially with a daughter...bunnies and crochet amigurumi goodies are just the ca-utest things and I really can't make them fast enough for her to play with. Though, this lil bunny is in our Etsy shop for sale...and will be joined by many more friends coming soon.   If you're itching to make your own there are great patterns on Pinterest & Ravelry that you can totally check out.  I have a great Pinterest crochet board if you're looking for inspiration.

See something you like on Ca-ute Crafty, but you don't want to make it yourself?
Check out our Etsy shop or inbox me:

St. Patty Hat

How can you not get your parade on without this awesome hat!?!?!  It'll keep you nice and cozy especially with the Jersey weather we've been having lately...since spring has not quite sprung yet!! 

See something you like on Ca-ute Crafty, but you don't want to make it yourself?
Check out our Etsy shop or inbox me: